Friday, July 19, 2013

Lilac bracelets

I saw something on my favorite website (Pinterest) today.  It was bracelets for good behavior.  It gave me an idea to create bracelets for when kids make it to the top (Lilac) spot on my behavior clips.  I was thinking of making little business card sized cards but decided 2nd graders would love having a bracelet instead- and it saves me money! 
So.... I created these....

Aren't they cute? Well they would be cuter if I knew how to attach them to this blog!  Hmmm....guess that is something I will research while I am on vacation!  I would love to share everything that I create- figure if it makes someone's life easier- then my job is done!  If you want a copy of this some time, just email me and I will send it to you!

I am excited because I found a recipe to make lickable glue- what kid wouldn't like to lick a piece of paper and woah la- it's a bracelet!  I can't wait to print and make the glue!  I will let you know how it goes! 

I am hoping that I have great kids this year and give away to my students!  Tomorrow we leave for Cannon Beach Oregon- God's country!  My favorite peaceful place in the world!  Not that I am a worldly traveler or anything!  Can't wait to watch the waves, fly kites, and eat fresh salt water taffy!

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Well move in day has come and gone!  I had my kids, my sister, and 3 friends helping me move.  We loaded up 5 cars and took the first (yes- I couldn't believe that I had enough stuff for a total...TOTAL of 10 car loads!)load.  Got to my new school and with boxes in our arms, discovered my classroom door was locked and had a sign on it- Wet Wax Don't Enter!  I hunted down the custodian to find out he waxed the tile floors in my room that morning and you can't walk on them until tomorrow!  OMG!  I thought I was going to EXPLODE!  The principal had told him to wax the floors next week so I could move in today- he obviously isn't good at following directions!  I told him that I had friends helping and we couldn't come back to unload.  So he told me just to unload in the halls and they would move it into my class.  I wasn't happy about this because I am very particular about my stuff but we did.  The hallway was loaded up to say the least!  I came in a week and a half later (had to spend the week of the 4th at the lake trailer!- Priorities!) and found everything was put (thrown) into my room.  I wasn't happy because things were broken, stacked on top of things that shouldn't be stacked on, and many of my books folded and munched! 
I worked hard on my room all last week.  I went in by 6:00am (yes AM!) and worked until 9-10:00 am.  Thought that I could easily sneak out of the house when my husband was out of town and the kids were still sleeping.  I got tons done but I was EXHAUSTED!
I still need desks or tables (not sure which I am going to get) and chairs but I am pretty much put together!  I am surprised how much storage my new room has- exciting! 
We leave for Cannon Beach Oregon (heaven) on Saturday for a week so the last week of July, beginning of August, I will be heading back into my room to get activities ready for the first week of school! 

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I Got The Job!

I forgot to post that I got called and got the job!  So this week I have been busy packing up my classroom!  Boy do I have a LOT of stuff!  Move in day is Friday!  I will have to take pictures!

Friday, June 21, 2013


I was called yesterday for an interview.  So this morning I interviewed and at the end I asked when they were going to decide who to hire.  The principal said in about 20 mins. after you leave!  There was another teacher who had put in for a transfer to this position as well but when they called to schedule an interview, she decided to withdraw her application.  So it was just me!  I wish I would of know this before, I may not of been so nervous!  I am assuming I am going to be offered the position but it has been almost 6 hours since my interview and I haven't heard anything!  Should I be nervous?  Should I just assume human resources is busy and just hasn't called me?  I feel like I shouldn't assume anything so I am just on pins and needles waiting!  I will keep you posted!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Change is good!

I have decided to put in for a transfer to a different school.  I am just feeling the need for change.  Change is healthy right?!?!  I have been at my school for 7 years now- I don't know- call it the 7 year itch!  I am going to go for it.  I do have to interview for the position so who knows!  I am not really good selling myself but we will see.  I guess it will be in God's hands!  I do have a job so I'm not stressed over it yet!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

I'm Back!

Well, it's been over a year since I made my first post!  I am determined to start posting weekly.  I really want a cool looking blog but don't know how I get that!  My goal this summer is to have a cool looking blog and to start blogging everything! 
I would love to blog about my classroom with links to what I am doing and pictures.  This is primarily so I don't forget and I have evidence of what I did when! 
I can't wait to get going.  Only 16 more school days left.  I will have more time this summer to blog- so until then!  Good bye!

Monday, April 2, 2012

I've Only Just Begun!

OMG!  I am starting a blog!  This is a crazy dream of mine and now it is a reality! I have created this blog to share, grow, and learn!